Product Visualisation

We live in a very visual world. Illustrative and engaging imagery is an essential marketing tool that can promote your product offering in the best light. If customers can visualise, they are more likely to invest.

We have the latest technology and expertise to create powerful visuals; so realistic it is almost impossible to distinguish from a live photograph.

To create visuals we simply require a CAD model of your product. If you don’t yet have a 3D CAD model it is something we can also do for you. Product images can be produced from every angle and in any setting, providing you with full product representation. We use Avatars and create ideal scenes to provide scale and purpose. We have the experience to produce animations for products that need to tell a working story.

Product visualisation is the effective link between engineering and marketing. It can create the sales story.

Before a product is launched or even fully fit for manufacture, renderings can be used to test the market. They can also be useful to prove a concept and gain enthusiasm for your ideas. Our rendered images often perform a sales function for important project based work. We have had situations where the strength of visuals has helped secure lucrative sales deals and give new customers the confidence to trust. Investing in imagery is one of the most powerful sales and marketing tools.

If a product requires modifications to the design, new images can be made easily and cost effectively. The speed in which we can get products to market is improved.

With some products it is near impossible to get illustrative photography. This can be due the scale, complexity, or lighting issues in a studio environment. Renderings can give a cleaner image that is ultimately easier for the viewer to comprehend.

Consistency of image quality and presentation of product range is improved by rendering images. Using the exact same camera angles and scene lighting allows us to clean up webpages at a category level. Products next to each other line up as a family. This in itself gives brand confidence and a professional feel to the viewers of your marketing material. You can begin to supply a clear visual language.