Business Strategy

Looking from the outside in can often give a very different perspective to those who are involved with a brand or company each day. We have no preconceived ideas and pride ourselves on being able to apply common sense with fresh, optimistic eyes. There really is no great science behind our approach. Where are you at? What are you doing well? What are you not doing so well? Where do you want to be? How are we going to help you get there?

Virtually every company we work with allows us the chance to asses and then recommend. We do this from a design and marketing position, but more than that, we understand sales, the customer and the overall business objectives. What use is a hook without bait? Why bother creating bait without a well fashioned hook?! Do the fish in the pond have dainty mouths? And… do we actually require a ruddy net!

We have worked for an assortment companies across various industry sectors and are fortunate to have been exposed to both pitfalls and successes. Using these experiences, we combine this acquired knowledge with sensible marketing nous. Our aim is to gain an appreciation of the nuances of your business. We then get to work with understanding and purpose, using the latest techniques to improve your business outcomes. It has to look good and feel good, whilst supporting your greater business objectives. Our goal is to make you appealing to the bulk of your potential customers.

Sector experience includes:

  • Food Processing Equipment
  • Pharmaceutical / Cleanrooms
  • Medical and Rehabilitation
  • Veterinary
  • Fabrication
  • Castings
  • Engineering
  • Furniture – Handcrafted and Mass Market
  • Bathroom Fittings
  • Heating Appliances
  • Consumer Products and Appliances
  • Interior Design Products
  • Packaging
  • The Charities Sector

More than anything, you can talk to us and we’ll be as objective as possible. If we do a good job, the trust and partnership will hopefully grow.

This may not particularly sound like it’s come from hard hitting business marketing Gurus. However, our experiences and craft will hopefully stand us in good stead on your behalf.